Spring babies – bring on the cuteness

A young american avocet chick wades in shallow water looking for food

I was fortunate this spring to get out and capture a few different species of new hatch-lings. It was wonderful to watch these brand new birds explore around their nests. The image above is an american avocet chick, while the image below is a black-necked stilt chick. While these chicks look very similar within the first few weeks of their lives, they soon begin to develop characteristics of the very different looking adult species.

A black-necked stilt chick is reflected in shallow water, Baylands, Palo Alto, California

While the avocet and stilt chicks tend to stay very close to water, canada goose chicks spend most of their time on land, feeding off of grass. The gosling below was one of five siblings, all feeding amongst short grass, very close to their parents. If anyone approaches too closely, the geese will corral their chicks and surround them, hissing a warning at the offender (which is why I always stayed a good distance away).

A Canada Gossling grazes in the short grass. He stops periodically to peer about.

The last species I covered this spring is the ever-present mallard duckling. I followed a family with four chicks for a few days, watching the mother keep her chicks hidden in the tall grass next to a pond, while the father warded off any other water foul that ventured too close. Here is the mother with one of her chicks, just after preening.

A mallard hen preens with her chick in the grass next to a slough

The flash gallery below features more images of these very cute newborns. Please enjoy them, share it with friends, or click through to the spring babies gallery on my photo site. I hope you enjoy watching as much as I enjoyed capturing them.

American Avocet Portrait (Photo of the week)

A nesting american avocet peeks above the pickle weed

This american avocet was sitting on her nest, hidden in pickle weed along the bank of a shallow slough. Avocet nests are fairly unimpressive – they are usually just a small scrape along the ground, sometimes lined with grass. Sometime avocet females will lay their eggs in other avocet nests – or even the nests of other species. Likewise, other species (usually black-necked stilts) have been known to lay their eggs in active avocet nests. The avocet female that tends the nest will raise the stilt chicks as if they were her own.

Song Sparrow (Photo of the week)

A song sparrow perches on the edge of wetland vegetation, singing his morning song

San Francisco Bay in springtime is a great place to capture songbirds in action. This song sparrow would fly from perch to perch, stopping to sing out very methodically in each direction. This was my favorite shot that I took of him, because his head is thrown back, and it looks like he’s really getting into it.

I like to photograph songbirds about an hour after sunrise. They are still very active in their morning routines, and the ambient light is bright enough for action shots (songbirds can move very fast!) Another technique I employ is to go to places where there are people. Birds that are used to people being around tend to be more at ease and will likely let you approach closer before flying off. Running trails, parks, and urban ponds are all great places to find birds that are used to people.

White-crowned Sparrow (Photo of the week)

A white-crowned sparrow perches atop coastal vegetation, Salt Point State Park, California

This week’s photo was taken during my recent trip to Salt Point State Park. There were quite a few of these sparrows flitting around from bush to bush, some of them stopping occasionally to sing out at the top of their tiny lungs.

With bird photography, my goal, whenever possible, is to try to be close to the subject’s eye line. In this case, it was easy, as the top of the bush was about 5 feet off the ground. My camera was therefore also at about 5 feet, so that the lens looked directly into the bird’s eye. When birds are at ground level, I try to get very low, either kneeling behind my camera or sometimes down on my stomach (which can get quite dirty!) In these cases, my tripod legs are at their shortest, and splayed out to each side so that the tripod head is just off the ground. I find this simple concept can really give the viewer more of a connection to the photograph.

Copyright 2017 Hank Christensen