Gem The Kitten

Gem hides behind couch cushions, peeking out at people.
Gem hides behind couch cushions, peeking out at people.

Meet Gem the kitten, a precocious little thing filled with curiosity. Although she is the runt of the litter, she has become the boss of everything, always getting into the most trouble and melting hearts with her big personality.

Click here, or on any photo in the post to see the full collection of photos of Gem getting into mischief.

Gem peeks around the leg of a table
Gem peeks around the leg of a table
Gem rests after a tiring session with the scratching post.
Gem rests after a tiring session with the scratching post.
Gem plays with a feather toy
Gem plays with a feather toy

Copyright 2017 Hank Christensen